Trademark registration in Morocco
To protectA brandyou must submit it toOMPIC. This approach allows you to become the exclusive owner of your brand. Filing a trademark also allows you to protect yourself against a competitor who would misuse your trademark.
Register a trademark avec l-Expert-comptable.maincludes:
Prior art search to find out if your brand is available
Integral management of trademark filing formalities with OMPIC
Accompaniment by Experts
100% Online Procedure
Why choose
How it works ?
A simple and quick solution.
Create your documents and complete your formalities in less than 15 minutes.
100% up-to-date legal documents
Our models are written by specialized lawyers and reviewed by a committee of experts.
Impressive savings
Save up to 50% on your legal fees
Experts at your service
All our documents are designed by lawyers who are experts in their field. They guide you and answer your questions if necessary.