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Setting up an limited liability company LLC (SARL) in Agadir

La SARL  (Limited Liability Company) is a very common form of company in Morocco. This form of company is suitable for almost any type of commercial and craft activity. Creating an LLC allows you to protect your personal assets effectively and benefit from appropriate taxation. This form of company offers entrepreneurs simplicity and security.

SARL AU is a SARL with a single founding partner.

Create an LLC with includes : 

  • Integral management of administrative formalities

  • Accompaniment by experts

  • 100% online 

  • Your register in 2 weeks

Setting up an limited liability company LLC (SARL) in Agadir
Would you like to create an LLC in Agadir ? Contact us

You are an entrepreneur and you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.

1 - Obtain a negative Certificate 

This is the first step in setting up your company in Morocco. It involves finding a name for your company that is not already listed in the commercial register.

This formality concerns all commercial companies except individual companies which do not opt for a sign, you can obtain your negative certificate from the chambers of commerce and the OMPIC (online procedures)

2- Establishment of the registered office 

The registered office of your company is the place, specified in the articles of association, which constitutes its legal domicile.


It can be either:

- a direct debit
- a commercial lease
- or a property

This is the second step in the process of setting up your company in Morocco.

3- Establishment of statutes 

The establishment of the articles of association of an LLC is an important act that can have legal consequences and influence the social status of the manager.

The statute can be a notarial deed (drafted by a notary at the request of the client) or under private signature drafted by the parties or by third parties (fiduciary or legal adviser, etc.). In the event of use of standard statutes, it It is essential to take the time to read them carefully and to understand all the articles.

It should be noted that the manager may be appointed either in the articles of association or by a separate act.


This last solution avoids having to modify the articles of association each time there is a change of manager. Specify, in the act of appointment, the duration of his functions, the extent of his powers, his remuneration.

Remember that the capital of the SARL is freely set by the partners in the articles of association (no minimum is required). The share capital is divided into shares of equal minimum value.

Setting up an limited liability company LLC (SARL) Casablanca Morocco
Setting up an limited liability company LLC (SARL) in Agadir

4 - Opening of a bank account and blocking of capital

If the share capital exceeds 100,000 Dirhams, you must block your capital with a bank of your choice, which will issue you with a blocking certificate.

For companies whose capital does not exceed 100,000 Dirhams, the blocking is not necessary but recommended since it guarantees the commitment of the partners in the capital of the company.

5 - Submission of acts of creation and registration formalities 

This stage aims to give a certain date to the acts of creation.

The filing of deeds and their registration must currently be done online through an approved professional (accountant, adoul, etc.)

NB: The creation of a business is exempt from registration fees. However, a fixed fee of 200 Dirhams must be provided for the lease contract or the domiciliation contract.

6– Registration for the professional tax (TP) and the Fiscal identifier (IF)

The purpose of this step is to obtain a business tax (TP) identification number and the tax identifier (IF).

Registration is done at the Regional Tax Office.

The requested documents :

- Application for registration to the professional tax;
- Request for the TP certificate;
- Declaration of existence ;
- Copy of the lease contract or domiciliation certificate;
- Copy of the manager's CIN;
- Status copy;
- Approval or diploma for regulated activities.

7 – Registration in the Trade Register (RC)

The procedure aims to obtain the registration number of the company in the commercial register for the acquisition of legal personality.

The application for registration in the commercial register is filed at the level of the Commercial Court.

Necessary documents :

- Statutes;
- Minutes of the AGC (constituent general meeting) if necessary;
- Negative certificate ;
- Certificate of freezing of funds;
- Certificate of registration for business tax and tax ID;
- CIN of the partners and the manager;
- Model 2 in 3 copies;
- Lease contract or certificate of domiciliation;

8– Affiliation to the CNSS

All commercial companies must affiliate with the National Social Security Fund.
This free operation is done at the level of the CNSS.

Necessary documents :

- Affiliation request;
- Declaration of the addresses of the places of activities;
- CIN manager;
- Registration for the patent and IF + ICE;
- RC registration certificate + model J;
- Statutes + minutes of the AGC;

9- Official publications

The publication must be done in a newspaper of legal announcements (JAL) and in the official bulletin (BO).
The text drawn up in Arabic and French must contain all the information relating to the incorporated company.


According to Article 96 of the Limited Liability Company Law (Law 5/96) the notice must contain the following:

- The form of the company;
- The corporate name;
- The corporate purpose indicated briefly;
- The address of the head office;
- The period for which the company is incorporated;
- The amount of the share capital with an indication of the amount of the contributions in cash as well as the summary description and the evaluation of the contributions in kind;
- The first name, surname, status and domicile of the partners;
- The first name, surname, capacity and domicile of the partners or third parties having the power to commit the company to third parties;
- The registration number in the commercial register.

Need a domiciliation for your company? Contact us

You are an entrepreneur and you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.

Our missions in accounting expertise offers local businesses and foreign investors a full range of servicesin the fields of auditing, accounting expertise, legal and tax advice as well as assistanceto transactions.

Whether you are a business manager, liberal professional or association manager, alone or at the head of a team, whatever your field of activity, is on hand to identify and respond to your needs.

From the creation to the transmission of your business, we are your partner in all situations, whether it concerns daily management, moments of difficulty or the most ambitious projects.

Setting up an limited liability company LLC (SARL) in Agadir
Who are we?
LEC.maa company of Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors registered on the Roll of the Order of Chartered Accountants in Morocco.

Whether you are a business manager, a liberal professional or an association manager, alone or at the head of a team, whatever your field of activity, is on hand to identify and respond to your needs.

From the creation to the transmission of your company, we are your partner in all situations, whether it concerns daily management, moments of difficulty or the most ambitious projects.

Our services


An expert accompanies you on the administration of your payroll & social declarations and advises you in your personnel management procedures.

More info >


A case manager prepares   your tax returns and provides you with useful advice 


Our firm has the experience to make your accounting more useful and efficient


Our role is to explain your rights and obligations to you, and to advise you in your decisions and actions.

More info >
Need a registration card? Contact us

If you are a foreign national in Morocco and you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.


Contact us
Tel: +212 661 281 242
Fax: +212 522 670 345

Our offices in Casablanca
73 Boulevard d'Anfa
6th floor, No. 602 
20000 Casablanca

Our offices in Agadir
Agadir Bay - Technopole 1
Block D, 4th floor, No. 408
80000 Agadir

Need more info ? Contact us

If you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.

Setting up an limited liability company LLC (SARL) in Agadir
Setting up an limited liability company LLC (SARL) in Agadir

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Setting up an limited liability company LLC (SARL) in Agadir
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