Contesting a CNSS decision
You are contesting a Social Security decision. It is then necessary that you enter the commission of amicable appeal of your health insurance fund. If rejected, you can take legal action
Challenge a CNSS decision with l-Expert-comptable.maincludes:
Drafting of the letter of protest
Collection of supporting documents
Accompaniment by Experts
100% Online Procedure
Contesting a CNSS decision
How it works ?
A simple and quick solution.
Create your documents and complete your formalities in less than 15 minutes.
100% up-to-date legal documents
Our models are written by specialized lawyers and reviewed by a committee of experts.
Impressive savings
Save up to 50% on your legal fees
Experts at your service
All our documents are designed by lawyers who are experts in their field. They guide you and answer your questions if necessary.