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Modification of the statutes of a company in Morocco

Certain events in the life of a company require a modification of the articles of association: a change of manager, the transfer of the registered office or even a change of activity. This gives rise to administrative procedures which can be carried out 100% online on

Changing the corporate purpose of an LLC can only be decided at an extraordinary general meeting (AGE) convened for this purpose according to the articles of association. For this, iIt is necessary to convene the various partners in order to deliberate on the modification of the corporate purpose, a modification which will lead to changes in the articles of association and in the allocation of powers.

Once these deliberations are adopted, it is appropriate to proceed as follows:

  • Publish the modification in a journal of legal announcements (JAL): these newspapers of legal announcements are selected in the department and carry out the publications in order to inform third parties. The notice of modification sent to the journal of legal notices must be signed by the representative of the SARL;

  • File with the Registry of the Commercial Court in the department of the company's registered office  a copy dated and certified by the legal representative of the minutes of the EGM and a copy of the statutes updated during the modification;

Drafting the corporate purpose may seem like an easy task to accomplish, except that it is decisive for any company and difficult to grasp. This is why it is very important to be vigilant and it is recommended to entrust this mission to a Chartered Accountant.

A chartered accountant is a liberal professional whose activity is regulated by law (15-89). To carry out its activity,a chartered accountant must be registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants. He is also subject to numerous obligations: compliance with ethical rules, continuing education, insurance, professional secrecy, transparency of the price of his services, etc.

Creation of an LLC

How it works ? 

Expert-comptable Casablanca Rabat

Whether you are a business manager, a liberal professional or an association manager, alone or at the head of a team, whatever your field of activity, is on hand to identify and respond to your needs.

From the creation to the transmission of your company, we are your partner in all situations, whether it concerns daily management, moments of difficulty or the most ambitious projects.

Creation of an LLC

You are accompanied by Experts

Who are we? a company of Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors registered on the Roll of the Order of Chartered Accountants in Morocco.
Expert-comptable Agadir Maroc

Our services


An expert accompanies you on the administration of your payroll & social declarations and advises you in your personnel management procedures.

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A case manager prepares   your tax returns and provides you with useful advice 


Our firm has the experience to make your accounting more useful and efficient


Our role is to explain your rights and obligations to you, and to advise you in your decisions and actions.

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